New Books Released!


PADICO Express

We are pleased to introduce you two new resin books.
Release : August 4th, 2023

Book : Resin Accessory Basics
This book contains 35 instructions for making necklaces, earrings, ear cuffs, bracelets, hair buns, ornamental hairpins, and more. From basic techniques to new techniques are introduced with easy-to-understand explanations and step by step photos. This book also features items using new coating resins and colors, as well as acrylic stands made from resin.

Book : Celestial Resin Accessories
Tikyuuya is an accessory artist who expresses a fantastic world in resin. Clouds in the sky, various colors of sunsets, jellyfish and coral reefs in the sea, stars and galaxies in the universe, and other spectacular scenes of nature are reproduced in resin. This book provides a detailed analysis of the fantastic expressions and methods of creation, focusing on clouds, the sky, and the sea/